Enes Kanter Freedom: NBA Basketball Star & Human Rights Activist

Enes Kanter Freedom stands tall as more than just a former professional basketball player. He’s a fearless human rights activist, his voice a powerful counterpoint to injustice across the globe.

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Freedom’s journey, from Turkish origins to American citizenship, has been shaped by fierce convictions and a willingness to take bold stands against oppression, even at great personal cost.

Who is Enes Kanter Freedom?

Born Enes Kanter in Zurich, Switzerland, on May 20th, 1992, he was raised in Turkey. Demonstrating early talent, Kanter pursued a professional basketball career that propelled him to international stardom. Now 32 years old, his athletic legacy is intertwined with his relentless work for human rights, particularly against the oppressive regimes in Turkey and China.


Kanter’s basketball career began with Turkish professional teams before he moved to the United States as a teenager. In 2011, he became the third overall pick in the NBA Draft, selected by the Utah Jazz. He went on to play for various teams during his decade-long NBA career, including the Oklahoma City Thunder, New York Knicks, Portland Trailblazers, and Boston Celtics.

How did Enes Kanter get famous?

Enes Kanter Freedom gained notoriety both for his prowess on the court and his outspoken criticism of the Turkish government under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. His activism escalated into international news when Turkey revoked his citizenship, and his father was imprisoned.

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Does Enes Kanter have kids?

Enes Kanter Freedom does not currently have any children.

Enes Kanter Net Worth

Enes Kanter Freedom amassed a substantial fortune during his NBA career, with an estimated net worth around $70 million.

How much did Enes Kanter make in the NBA?

Kanter earned over $100 million in NBA salaries throughout his career.

Why was Enes Kanter not allowed to play at Kentucky?

Kanter briefly joined the University of Kentucky basketball team, but the NCAA ruled him ineligible because he had received benefits while playing professionally in Turkey.

What nationality is Enes Kanter?

Enes Kanter Freedom is a naturalized American citizen. He proudly adopted the name ‘Freedom’ when granted citizenship in 2021.

Does Enes Kanter have a brother?

Yes, Enes Kanter Freedom has a younger brother named Kerem who is also a basketball player.

Why did Enes Kanter leave the NBA?

Kanter was essentially blacklisted from the NBA after his vocal criticisms of China’s human rights abuses drew the ire of the league and its business partners. With no offers for the 2022-2023 season, he chose to leave.

Why did Enes Kanter change his name?

Upon gaining American citizenship, Enes Kanter legally added the word Freedom to his name. He explains that freedom is the central value he fights for every day.


Enes Kanter Freedom’s path illustrates the extraordinary power of conviction in the face of oppression. Sacrificing his NBA career on the altar of human rights, he inspires others to speak out, reminding us that some things are far more important than professional sports.

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FAQs about Enes Kanter Freedom: NBA Basketball Star & Human Rights Activist
  1. What countries does Enes Kanter Freedom criticize? Primarily Turkey and China, for their authoritarianism and human rights violations.
  2. Has Enes Kanter Freedom met with any world leaders? Yes, including various members of the US Congress as part of his advocacy work.
  3. Does Enes Kanter Freedom run any charitable work? Yes, the Enes Kanter Freedom Foundation promotes human rights globally.
  4. Where does Enes Kanter Freedom reside? He lives in the United States.
  5. Is Enes Kanter Freedom still active in basketball? While no longer in the NBA, he remains involved with basketball through camps and activism.

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